Abstract e-Book
Keynote Speakers
* Indicates an online presentation
9:00 am
Transport and the climate crisis
9:25 am
Incorporating Māori values into urban planning decisions
9:50 am
Minister's address
1:10 pm
Transport accessibility and equity of Māori
11:00 am
Disabled people's experiences of transport in Aotearoa New Zealand
11:20 am
Nuisance for whom? The travel impact of surface flooding for disabled and older people
11:40 am
Thinking outside the carpark: addressing access, wellbeing and forced car ownership in public housing
12:00 pm
Incorporating equity in the cost–benefit appraisal framework
Knowing New Zealanders: To deliver a step change in regional walking and cycling
An improved transport system that enables kaumātua Māori to transition into healthier older age: NZPATHS
The worst day on the water – How understanding and analysing fatal accidents can save lives
Te Ara Mua Future Streets. Analysis of crashes five years following intervention
A generational investment case study: Optimal approaches to VKT reduction
A narrative review of interventions to reducing vehicle kilometers traveled
Shifting the gears' on sustainability with Waka Kotahi and NZUP
How spatial data science can support the shift towards lower emission transportation systems in Aotearoa
Economics of urban infrastructure
Understanding progress towards long–term goals for the housing and urban development system
Integrating land use and transport planning in Aotearoa
Urban Safety: How do we design to account for the safety concerns that deter mode shift?
1:40 pm
How well do we know our travel? Then and now, here and there
2:00 pm
The relative importance of life experiences, built environment characteristics and socialisation in active travel behaviour
2:20 pm
School choice and school travel: Implications for transport, health, environment and education
2:40 pm
Developing buy–in to the transformation of our transport system?
Gender equality and the role of women in decarbonising transport
Socioeconomic inequalities in greenhouse gas emissions from household travel in Aotearoa New Zealand
Just (and healthy) transitions in transport: Strategies for promoting wellbeing and equity as we decarbonise
Understanding barriers to using public transport: Māori interactions with the transport sector
Domestic transport costs & charges study: Economic and financial overview and findings
DTCC: Health effects from road-traffic noise
Domestic transport costs & charges study: Marginal costs of transport infrastructure and services
Implications from the study of road transport accident costs
Knowing New Zealanders: Impact of half-price public transport fares
Project Monty: Te Manatü Waka's agent-based modelling initiative
Understanding emission and VKT pathways to avoid, shift and improve in Tauranga
3:30 pm
Transitioning streets for tomorrow… today
3:50 pm
Accelerating emission reductions by removing the need to plug in – Wireless (inductive) charging of electric vehicles
4:10 pm
Identifying commuter patterns from the IDI
Understanding maritime connectivity for transport policy
Carbon footprint of freight movements within New Zealand
Greening the streets: Assessing the co-impacts of a low emissions transport policy
Managing New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions from aviation
Air pollution health impacts of achieving transport sector emission reduction plan targets
Crash risk associated with progression through the graduated driver licence system
Detecting work time breaches from camera sightings
Prevalence of drugged and/or medicated driving in New Zealand